Publishing frequency: quarterly (subsequent issues published in March, June, September, and December)

Publication year of the first issue: 2005

ISSN: 2353-6977 (on-line)

Publishers: Polish Association for Knowledge Promotion, Lublin University of Technology

Subject areas (categories): Computer Science, Information Systems, Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, Economics, Econometrics, Management

Language: English

Review type: single-blind peer review

Publication fee: 950,00 PLN / 230,00 EUR

Licence: Creative Commons Attribution – CC BY 4.0

Self-archiving policy: the author is allowed to publish the postprint and publisher’s version of the articles

Number of points on the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education Scientific Journal List: 70 (2024)

ICV points: 121.10 (2022)

Indexed in: BazTech, Cabell's Directory, Central & Eastern European Academic Source (CEEAS), CNKI Scholar (China National Knowledge Infrastucture), DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals), EBSCO, ERIH PLUS, Index Copernicus, J-Gate, Google Scholar, Scope Database, Scopus, Sherpa Romeo, TEMA Technik und Management.


Detailed information


The quarterly journal “Applied Computer Science” has been issued since 2005. Initially (2005–2013) a semi-yearly publication, it became a quarterly in 2014. The articles are published in English, in an electronic version – posted on the journal’s website. Electronic versions of the journal are archived in repositories (Lublin University of Technology Library, BazTech and PBN/POL-on). In 2019 the journal was accepted in the Scopus database.

Since 2017, each publication has been assigned a DOI (Digital Object Identifier) number, distributed by MEDRA and Crossref organisations.

The journal publishes original scientific works concerning practical implementation of IT technology in fields such as Industrial engineering, Mechanical engineering, Biomedical engineering, Economics and Management.

The cost of publication is in Applied Computer Science is 230 EUR (950 PLN).

All the submitted scientific articles must be original works that have not been published before and are not being considered by any other journal. When sending a paper to the editorial office of “Applied Computer Science”, the author states that there is no conflict of interest with any person or organisation regarding the discussed manuscript. The author must follow the guidelines For authors and the Ethical principles of the journal. “Applied Computer Science” allows the author(s) to hold the copyright without restrictions and to retain publishing rights without restrictions.

The manuscript accepted by the editorial office is reviewed by two independent reviewers who are not affiliated with the author’s university, using the single-blind peer-review process. The reviewers and the members of the Editorial Board of the journal are experts who are responsible for the high scientific level of the articles. The reviewing criteria are described in the instructions For reviewers.

“Applied Computer Science” follows the Ethical principles described by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). All the submitted manuscripts are verified in the Crossref Similarity Check (powered by iThenticate) to prevent plagiarism and duplicate publications.