Shadan Mohammed Jihad ABDALWAHID

Erbil Polytechnic University, Erbil Technical Engineering College, Department of Information System Engineering, Erbil (Iraq)

Raghad Zuhair YOUSIF

Erbil Polytechnic University, Erbil Technical Engineering College, Department of Information System Engineering, Erbil (Iraq)

Shahab Wahhab KAREEM

* Department of Applied Physics Communication, College of Science, Salahaddin University, Erbil, Kurdistan Region (Iraq)


The amount of data processed and stored in the cloud is growing dramatically. The traditional storage devices at both hardware and software levels cannot meet the requirement of the cloud. This fact motivates the need for a plat¬form which can handle this problem. Hadoop is a deployed platform proposed to overcome this big data problem which often uses MapReduce architecture to process vast amounts of data of the cloud system. Hadoop has no strategy to assure the safety and confidentiality of the files saved inside the Hadoop distributed File system (HDFS). In the cloud, the protection of sensitive data is a critical issue in which data encryption schemes plays avital rule. This research proposes a hybrid system between two well-known asymmetric key cryptosystems (RSA, and Paillier) to encrypt the files stored in HDFS. Thus before saving data in HDFS, the proposed cryptosystem is utilized for encrypting the data. Each user of the cloud might upload files in two ways, non-safe or secure. The hybrid system shows higher computational complexity and less latency in comparison to the RSA cryptosystem alone. 


BigData, Hadoop, RSA, Paillier, Cryptography

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Cited by

ABDALWAHID, S. M. J., YOUSIF, R. Z., & KAREEM, . S. W. (2019). ENHANCING APPROACH USING HYBRID PAILLER AND RSA FOR INFORMATION SECURITY IN BIGDATA. Applied Computer Science, 15(4), 63–74. https://doi.org/10.23743/acs-2019-30


Shadan Mohammed Jihad ABDALWAHID 
Erbil Polytechnic University, Erbil Technical Engineering College, Department of Information System Engineering, Erbil Iraq


Raghad Zuhair YOUSIF 

Erbil Polytechnic University, Erbil Technical Engineering College, Department of Information System Engineering, Erbil Iraq


Shahab Wahhab KAREEM 

* Department of Applied Physics Communication, College of Science, Salahaddin University, Erbil, Kurdistan Region Iraq


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