Ildar A. Sultanguzin
National Research University “MPEI”, Department of Industrial Thermal Engineering Systems (Russian Federation)

Hannes Toepfer

Technische Universität Ilmenau, Institute for Information Technology (Germany)

Ivan D. Kalyakin

National Research University “MPEI”, Department of Industrial Thermal Engineering Systems (Russian Federation)

Alexandr V. Govorin

National Research University “MPEI”, Department of Industrial Thermal Engineering Systems (Russian Federation)

Ekaterina V. Zhigulina

National Research University “MPEI”, Department of Industrial Thermal Engineering Systems (Russian Federation)

Sergey Yu. Kurzanov

National Research University “MPEI”, Department of Industrial Thermal Engineering Systems (Russian Federation)

Yury V. Yavorovsky

National Research University “MPEI”, Department of Industrial Thermal Engineering Systems (Russian Federation)


The article examines three different kinds of mathematical model of nearly zero energy building. The first model enables to optimize the structure and the definition of key parameters of energy efficient building. The second model is necessary for passive house designing with renewable energy sources. The third model should be used for monitoring and control of energy supply system of nearly zero energy building through year every hour of winter and summer.


control system, mathematical model, monitoring, passive house, zero energy building

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Cited by

Sultanguzin, I. A., Toepfer, H., Kalyakin, I. D., Govorin, A. V., Zhigulina, E. V., Kurzanov, S. Y., & Yavorovsky, Y. V. (2018). MATHEMATICAL MODELING AND CONTROL SYSTEM OF NEARLY ZERO ENERGY BUILDING. Informatyka, Automatyka, Pomiary W Gospodarce I Ochronie Środowiska, 8(2), 21–24.


Ildar A. Sultanguzin
National Research University “MPEI”, Department of Industrial Thermal Engineering Systems Russian Federation


Hannes Toepfer 

Technische Universität Ilmenau, Institute for Information Technology Germany


Ivan D. Kalyakin 

National Research University “MPEI”, Department of Industrial Thermal Engineering Systems Russian Federation


Alexandr V. Govorin 

National Research University “MPEI”, Department of Industrial Thermal Engineering Systems Russian Federation


Ekaterina V. Zhigulina 

National Research University “MPEI”, Department of Industrial Thermal Engineering Systems Russian Federation


Sergey Yu. Kurzanov 

National Research University “MPEI”, Department of Industrial Thermal Engineering Systems Russian Federation


Yury V. Yavorovsky 

National Research University “MPEI”, Department of Industrial Thermal Engineering Systems Russian Federation


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