Róża Dzierżak
Lublin University of Technology, Institute of Electronics and Information Technology (Poland)

Magdalena Michalska

Lublin University of Technology, Institute of Electronics and Information Technology (Poland)


An important aspect of analysis medical images is acknowledging the role of the segmentation process of individual anatomical structures. This process allows to show the most important diagnostic details. Owing to the segmentation the areas of interest (ROI) it is possible to adapt the methods of further image analysis considering the specification of selected elements. This process has been widely used in medical diagnostics. The article presents the use of segmentation by thresholding, segmentation by region growth and by edge detection to extract the parts of the human brain the user is interested in. The series of MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) images were used. The aim of the research was to develop the methods that would allow comparing the effectiveness various types of anatomical brain structures’ segmentation in two dimensions. The above methods present the different impact that selected types of segmentation, masks or parameters have on the most accurate depiction of a selected human brain element.


brain imaging, image segmentation, magnetic resonance imaging

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Cited by

Dzierżak, R., & Michalska, M. (2018). ANALYSIS OF THE EFFECTIVENESS OF SELECTED SEGMENTATION METHODS OF ANATOMICAL BRAIN STRUCTURES . Informatyka, Automatyka, Pomiary W Gospodarce I Ochronie Środowiska, 8(2), 58–61.


Róża Dzierżak
Lublin University of Technology, Institute of Electronics and Information Technology Poland


Magdalena Michalska 

Lublin University of Technology, Institute of Electronics and Information Technology Poland


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