Grzegorz Śmigielski Wielki University in Bydgoszcz, Institute of Mechanics and Applying Informatics (Poland)
Roman Dygdała
Paweł Włodkowic University College in Płock, Faculty of National Security; Military Institute of Armament Technology in Zielonka (Poland)
Michał Kaczorowski
Military Institute of Armament Technology in Zielonka (Poland)
Grzegorz Serejko
Warsaw University of Technology, Department in Płock, Institute of Building (Poland)
In this article we have presented the results of the military training area measurements concerning the water aerosol obtained by explosive method, which is very good medium to extinguish an intermediate area fire. A dependence of the aerosol cloud diameter and shock wave pressure on the delay between main and upper charge detonations has been investigated. The obtained results allowed to estimate values of time delays guarantee highest efficiency and safety of firefighting system.
pressure measurement, shock wave, firefighting, water aerosolReferences
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Grzegorz Ś
Kazimierz Wielki University in Bydgoszcz, Institute of Mechanics and Applying Informatics Poland
Roman DygdałaPaweł Włodkowic University College in Płock, Faculty of National Security; Military Institute of Armament Technology in Zielonka Poland
Michał KaczorowskiMilitary Institute of Armament Technology in Zielonka Poland
Grzegorz SerejkoWarsaw University of Technology, Department in Płock, Institute of Building Poland
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