Wojciech Matelski
Electrotechnical Institute, Power Converters Department, Baltic Laboratory of Power Electronics Technology Gdynia (Poland)

Eugeniusz Łowiec

Electrotechnical Institute, Power Converters Department, Baltic Laboratory of Power Electronics Technology Gdynia (Poland)

Stanisław Abramik

Electrotechnical Institute, Power Converters Department, Baltic Laboratory of Power Electronics Technology Gdynia (Poland)


The article presents a concept of the laboratory stand for wind turbine simulation, built on the basis of cage induction motor, supplied from a frequency converter. The model assumes control of the engine torque, using simple constant Volt/Hertz control with slip regulation, taking into account the moment of inertia of the simulated turbine. Performance of the system for different wind and generator load conditions has been shown. Test results proved, that the turbine torque is well tracked by the wind motor emulator.


induction motors, wind energy, simulation

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Cited by

Matelski, W. ., Łowiec, E. ., & Abramik, S. . (2017). LABORATORY STAND FOR SMALL WIND TURBINE SIMULATION. Informatyka, Automatyka, Pomiary W Gospodarce I Ochronie Środowiska, 7(4), 11–14.


Wojciech Matelski
Electrotechnical Institute, Power Converters Department, Baltic Laboratory of Power Electronics Technology Gdynia Poland


Eugeniusz Łowiec 

Electrotechnical Institute, Power Converters Department, Baltic Laboratory of Power Electronics Technology Gdynia Poland


Stanisław Abramik 

Electrotechnical Institute, Power Converters Department, Baltic Laboratory of Power Electronics Technology Gdynia Poland


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