Piotr Gajewski
piotr.gajewski@pwr.edu.plWroclaw University of Technology, Department of Electrical Machines, Drives and Measurements (Poland)
The paper presents a review of control methods of the wind energy conversion systems with permanent magnet synchronous generator. The modern vector control methods for converter system of variable-speed wind energy conversion have been described. In order to improve the energy efficiency of wind turbine, the maximum power point tracking algorithm has been applied. To verify the effectiveness of the considered configuration and its control strategy, the selected simulation studies have been performed. The obtained study results showed the high effectiveness of the considered configuration and its control methods.
wind energy, permanent magnet synchronous generator, power converter, simulationReferences
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Piotr Gajewskipiotr.gajewski@pwr.edu.pl
Wroclaw University of Technology, Department of Electrical Machines, Drives and Measurements Poland
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