Karolina Lamkowska
klamkowska@kis.p.lodz.plLodz University of Technology, Institute of Applied Computer Science (Poland)
Piotr Domagalski
Lodz University of Technology, Institute of Chemical Technology (Poland)
We propose a novel technique for estimation of vertical wind distribution. Proposed modification of logarithmic profile relies on introducing topography dependent dispersion parameter calculated based on fractal dimension of topography. Initial results compared against full scale wind measurement show high agreement. Proposed methodology brings promise of precise a priori calculations of wind profile in case of non-flat, nonhomogeneous surface roughness terrain, improving the precision of wind potential estimation for wind energy sector.
surface roughness, fractal dimension, wind vertical distribution, estimation of wind energy potential, topography, micrometeorologyReferences
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Lodz University of Technology, Institute of Applied Computer Science Poland
Piotr DomagalskiLodz University of Technology, Institute of Chemical Technology Poland
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