Rafał Krawczyk
Warsaw University of Technology, Institute of Electronic Systems (Poland)

Piotr Kolasiński

Warsaw University of Technology, Institute of Electronic Systems (Poland)

Paweł Linczuk

Warsaw University of Technology, Institute of Electronic Systems (Poland)

Wojciech Zabołotny

Warsaw University of Technology, Institute of Electronic Systems (Poland)

Krzysztof Poźniak

Warsaw University of Technology, Institute of Electronic Systems (Poland)

Paweł Zienkiewicz

Warsaw University of Technology, Institute of Electronic Systems (Poland)

Ryszard Romaniuk

Warsaw University of Technology, Institute of Electronic Systems (Poland)

Andrzej Wojeński

Warsaw University of Technology, Institute of Electronic Systems (Poland)

Grzegorz Kasprowicz

Warsaw University of Technology, Institute of Electronic Systems (Poland)

Tomasz Czarski

Institute of Plasma Physics and Laser Microsynthesis in Warsaw (Poland)

Maryna Chernyshova

Institute of Plasma Physics and Laser Microsynthesis in Warsaw (Poland)


The collaboration of authors led to implementing advanced and fast systems for diagnostics of plasma content in tokamaks. During the development of systems it is planned to add new functionalities, in particular, the algorithms of tomographic reconstruction to obtain  information on three dimensional distribution of plasma impurities. In the article the idea of tomographic reconstruction is introduced and issues of performance and adequate hardware selection are presented.


plasma sciences, fast tomography, GEM detector, data processing

Chernyshova M., Malinowski K., Ziółkowski A., Kowalska-Strzęciwilk E., Czarski T., Poźniak K. T., Kasprowicz G., Zabołotny W., Wojeński A., Kolasiński P., Krawczyk R.D.: GEM detector development for tokamak plasma radiation diagnostics: SXR poloidal tomography, Proc. SPIE 9662, 2015.
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Krawczyk R.D., Czarski T., Kolasinski P., Pozniak K.T., Linczuk M., Byszuk A., Chernyshova M., Juszczyk B., Kasprowicz G., Wojenski A., Zabolotny W.: On algorithmic optimization of histogramming functions for GEM Systems. Proc. SPIE 9662, 2015.
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Wojenski A., Kasprowicz G., Pozniak K. T., Zabolotny W., Byszuk A., Juszczyk B., Kolasinski P., Krawczyk R.D., Zienkiewicz P., Chernyshova M., Czarski T.: FPGA based charge acquisition algorithm for soft X-ray diagnostics system. Proc. SPIE 9662, 2015.
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Cited by

Krawczyk, R. ., Kolasiński, P. ., Linczuk, P., Zabołotny, W. ., Poźniak, K. ., Zienkiewicz, P. ., … Chernyshova, M. . (2017). INTO THE FAST TOMOGRAPHIC POSTPROCESSING IN TOKAMAKS. Informatyka, Automatyka, Pomiary W Gospodarce I Ochronie Środowiska, 7(3), 15–18.


Rafał Krawczyk
Warsaw University of Technology, Institute of Electronic Systems Poland


Piotr Kolasiński 

Warsaw University of Technology, Institute of Electronic Systems Poland


Paweł Linczuk 

Warsaw University of Technology, Institute of Electronic Systems Poland


Wojciech Zabołotny 

Warsaw University of Technology, Institute of Electronic Systems Poland


Krzysztof Poźniak 

Warsaw University of Technology, Institute of Electronic Systems Poland


Paweł Zienkiewicz 

Warsaw University of Technology, Institute of Electronic Systems Poland


Ryszard Romaniuk 

Warsaw University of Technology, Institute of Electronic Systems Poland


Andrzej Wojeński 

Warsaw University of Technology, Institute of Electronic Systems Poland


Grzegorz Kasprowicz 

Warsaw University of Technology, Institute of Electronic Systems Poland


Tomasz Czarski 

Institute of Plasma Physics and Laser Microsynthesis in Warsaw Poland


Maryna Chernyshova 

Institute of Plasma Physics and Laser Microsynthesis in Warsaw Poland


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