Sławomir Sowa
Zespół Szkól nr 1 w Swarzędzu (Poland)


The lighting in buildings shall fulfil the comfort requirements with the minimal consumption of electric energy. Meeting of these requirements is possible by using the daylight and controlling thelighting. The interior lightning depends on climatic conditions, the geographical position of the building and its surroundings (shadows), construction of  a building and the size and equipment of rooms. All above mentioned factors contribute to the fact that the distribution of daylight in rooms varies significantly. It should be mentioned that the knowledge of that distribution allows for the proper selection of lighting control  algorithms and adjustment of their correct values. The work presents the light intensity research results, obtained at Zespół Szkół nr 1 Swarzędz. That  detached school building has 2 floors. The lightning level was measured in the rooms which have windows directed towards the south and the north respectively. The measurements were focused on the level of light with reference to external (natural) light with relation to the distance from the window to the point of examination. The distributions of illumination intensity were presented, along with their approximation. Special attention was paid to the very big variation of light intensity in the room, related to the temporary clouds. The summary presents the guidelines for controlling the illumination by means of daylight, stemming from the conducted research.


daylight in the building, lighting control, KNX system

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Cited by

Sowa, S. . (2017). THE INTENSITY OF DAYLIGHT IN SCHOOL BUILDING. Informatyka, Automatyka, Pomiary W Gospodarce I Ochronie Środowiska, 7(3), 78–81.


Sławomir Sowa
Zespół Szkól nr 1 w Swarzędzu Poland


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