Piotr Bogusławski
Electrotechnical Institute, Gdansk Branch (Poland)


Based on literature study of known thyristor limiters and the modification providing of a low current switch function was presented. The proposed DC/DC inverters for control and temperature indirect independency was described. Preliminary results of one phase switch circuit simulation are included. In summary succession problems of application was shortly pointed out.


short circuit current limiter, thyristor switch, forward on-state voltage, DC/DC inverter

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Cited by

Bogusławski, P. (2014). CURRENT LIMITING SWITCH OF ALTERNATIVE VOLTAGE. Informatyka, Automatyka, Pomiary W Gospodarce I Ochronie Środowiska, 4(2), 37–40.


Piotr Bogusławski
Electrotechnical Institute, Gdansk Branch Poland


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