Łukasz Sadowski
Wrocław University of Technology, Wrocław (Poland)


In the civil engineering industry the durability of concrete floors is to a large characterized by the pull-off adhesion of the topping to the base. It is highly essential to properly prepare the interlayer bonding surface while making or repairing concrete floors. The measure of the interlayer bond is the pull-off adhesion value. The latter is determined by means of semidestructive pull-off tests. In the following paper the nondestructive optical method and the semidestructive pull-off method were employed to test the interlayer pull-off adhesion in concrete floor model specimens. The surface of the base layer had been prepared in four ways: by mechanical grinding + dust removal + bonding layer application, mechanical grinding + dust removal, no preparation (raw post-concreting surface), and no preparation + bonding layer application, respectively. The intend of the investigations was to find out whether it is possible to determine reliable relationships between the particular surface roughness parameters obtained from optical tests and the pulloff adhesion obtained from semidestructive pull-off tests for different ways of preparing the surface of the concrete base.


non-destructive testing, optical method, pull-off method

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Cited by

Sadowski, Łukasz . (2013). ANALYSIS OF THE EFFECT OF CONCRETE BASE ROUGHNESS ON THE PULL-OFF ADHESION OF THE TOPPING LAYER. Informatyka, Automatyka, Pomiary W Gospodarce I Ochronie Środowiska, 3(1), 39–42.


Łukasz Sadowski
Wrocław University of Technology, Wrocław Poland


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