Klara Janiga
k.janiga@pollub.plLublin University of Technology, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Lublin, Poland (Poland)
Deterioration of voltage conditions is one of the frequent consequences of connecting an increasing number of photovoltaic sources to the low-voltage (LV) power grid. Under adverse conditions, i.e. low energy consumption and high insolation, microgeneration can cause voltage surges that violate acceptable limits. Research shows that the increase in voltage is the main limitation for connecting new energy microsources to the LV network and forces the reconstruction of the network. An alternative to costly modernizations can be the implementation of appropriate strategies for controlling network operation to maintain the voltage at the required level. The article presents an overview of the methods and concepts of voltage control in a low-voltage network developed so far to mitigate the undesirable phenomenon of voltage boosting. The focus was mainly on local methods—not requiring communication infrastructure—as best suited to the conditions of Polish distribution networks. Gathering the results of many tests and simulations carried out in different conditions and on different models allowed for the formulation of general conclusions and can be a starting point for further research on a control method that can be widely used in the national power system.
voltage control, distributed power generation, photovoltaic systems, power distribution linesReferences
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Klara Janigak.janiga@pollub.pl
Lublin University of Technology, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Lublin, Poland Poland
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