Andrii Bomba

National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Dept. of Applied Mathematics, Rivne, Ukraine (Ukraine)

Yurii Klymyuk
National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Department of Applied Mathematics (Ukraine)

Ihor Prysіazhnіuk

Rivne State University of Humanities, Dept. of Hanging Mathematics, Rivne, Ukraine. (Ukraine)


Mathematical models for predicting technological regimes of filtration (water purification from the present impurities), backwashing, chemical regeneration and direct washing of rapid cone-shaped adsorption filters, taking into account the influence of temperature effects on the internal mass transfer kinetics at constant rates of the appropriate regimes, are formulated. Algorithms for numerical-asymptotic approximations of solutions of the corresponding nonlinear singularly perturbed boundary value problems for a model cone-shaped domain bounded by two equipotential surfaces and a flow surface are obtained. The proposed models in the complex allow computer experiments to be conducted to investigate the change of impurity concentrations in the filtration flow and on the surface of the load adsorbent, temperature of the filtration flow, filtration coefficient and active porosity along the filter height due to adsorption and desorption processes, and on their basis, to predict a good use of adsorbents and increase the protective time of rapid cone-shaped adsorption filters with chemical regeneration of homogeneous porous loads.


mathematical model, process of water purification, adsorption, rapid cone-shaped filter, chemical regeneration, homogeneous porous load

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Cited by

Bomba, A., Klymyuk, Y., & Prysіazhnіuk I. (2020). COMPUTER PREDICTION OF TECHNOLOGICAL REGIMES OF RAPID CONE-SHAPED ADSORPTION FILTERS WITH CHEMICAL REGENERATION OF HOMOGENEOUS POROUS LOADS. Informatyka, Automatyka, Pomiary W Gospodarce I Ochronie Środowiska, 10(4), 19–24.


Andrii Bomba 

National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Dept. of Applied Mathematics, Rivne, Ukraine Ukraine


Yurii Klymyuk
National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Department of Applied Mathematics Ukraine


Ihor Prysіazhnіuk 

Rivne State University of Humanities, Dept. of Hanging Mathematics, Rivne, Ukraine. Ukraine


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