Alexander G. Ushenko
o.ushenko@chnu.edu.uaChernivtsi National University, Department of Optics and Publishing (Ukraine)
Olexander Olar
Chernivtsi National University, Department of Optics and Publishing (Ukraine)
Manuscript contains structural-logical scheme and analytical description of the differential diagnosis of aseptic and septic loosening of the artificial hip joint endoprosthesis using the methods of differential Mueller-matrix mapping of circular birefringence (CB) distributions of polycrystalline synovial films (SF) and results of determining the sensitivity, specificity and accuracy of the wavelet analysis method of differential Mueller-matrix mapping of the distributions of the CB values of polycrystalline films SF patients from the control group and groups with different severity of the hip joint pathology.
polarization tomography, Mueller matrix, circular birefringence, synovial filmsReferences
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Alexander G. Ushenkoo.ushenko@chnu.edu.ua
Chernivtsi National University, Department of Optics and Publishing Ukraine
Olexander OlarChernivtsi National University, Department of Optics and Publishing Ukraine
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