Michał Socha
Research Network Łukasiewicz, Institute of Innovative Technologies EMAG, Katowice, Poland (Poland)
Wojciech Górka
Research Network Łukasiewicz, Institute of Innovative Technologies EMAG, Katowice, Poland (Poland)
Marcin Michalak
Marcin.Michalak@emag.lukasiewicz.gov.plResearch Network Łukasiewicz, Institute of Innovative Technologies EMAG, Katowice, Poland (Poland)
The paper presents an original approach to device location detection in a building. The new method is based on a map of individual interiors, drawn up based on the measurements of the strength of wireless network signals for each building venue. The device is initially assigned to all venues whose descriptions sufficiently correspond with the current measurements taken by the device. A fuzzy assignment level for each of the potentially considered venues depends on the difference between the averaged network strengths for the venue and the signal strengths currently measured with the device for localization purposes. Ultimately, the device is assigned to the venue with the highest level of assignment.
wireless networks, fuzzy sets, device locationReferences
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Michał SochaResearch Network Łukasiewicz, Institute of Innovative Technologies EMAG, Katowice, Poland Poland
Wojciech GórkaResearch Network Łukasiewicz, Institute of Innovative Technologies EMAG, Katowice, Poland Poland
Marcin MichalakMarcin.Michalak@emag.lukasiewicz.gov.pl
Research Network Łukasiewicz, Institute of Innovative Technologies EMAG, Katowice, Poland Poland
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