Vladislav Kutsman

1TOV "Ulf-Finans", Kyiv, Ukraine, 2 Vinnytsia National Technical University, Computer Sciences Department, Vinnytsia, Ukraine (Ukraine)

Oleh Kolesnytskyj

Vinnytsia National Technical University (Ukraine)


The article proposes a method for dynamic signature identification based on a spiking neural network. Three dynamic signature parameters l(t), xy(t), p(t) are used, which are invariant to the signature slope angle, and after their normalization, also to the signature spatial and temporal scales. These dynamic parameters are fed to the spiking neural network for recognition simultaneously in the form of time series without preliminary transformation into a vector of static features, which, on the one hand, simplifies the method due to the absence of complex computational transformation procedures, and on the other hand, prevents the loss of useful information, and therefore increases the accuracy and reliability of signature identification and recognition (especially when recognizing forged signatures that are highly correlated with the genuine). The spiking neural network used has a simple training procedure, and not all neurons of the network are trained, but only the output ones. If it is necessary to add new signatures, it is not necessary to retrain the entire network as a whole, but it is enough to add several output neurons and learn only their connections. In the results of experimental studies of the software implementation of the proposed system, it’s EER = 3.9% was found when identifying skilled forgeries and EER = 0.17% when identifying random forgeries.


online signature identification, spiking neural network, invariant dynamic parameters, signature recognition

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Cited by

Kutsman, V., & Kolesnytskyj, O. (2021). DYNAMIC HANDWRITTEN SIGNATURE IDENTIFICATION USING SPIKING NEURAL NETWORK. Informatyka, Automatyka, Pomiary W Gospodarce I Ochronie Środowiska, 11(3), 34–39. https://doi.org/10.35784/iapgos.2718


Vladislav Kutsman 
1TOV "Ulf-Finans", Kyiv, Ukraine, 2 Vinnytsia National Technical University, Computer Sciences Department, Vinnytsia, Ukraine Ukraine


Oleh Kolesnytskyj 

Vinnytsia National Technical University Ukraine


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