Mateusz Bartczak

Wroclaw University of Technology, Chair of Electronic and Photonic Metrology (Poland)



A photovoltaic system under uniform illumination conditions has only one global maximum power point, but this same panel in the case of partial shading conditions can have more maxima on the power-voltage curve. The motivation of this work are two-fold: to show nonlinear capacitance of solar cell  and to propose a determination technique for partial shading condition. The author shows the results of measurements on a photovoltaic system under different lighting conditions. Shows the effect of capacitance on the shape of the response to excitation in the form of a load. The paper also shows which photovoltaic cell parameters influence the shape of the C-V curve.



MPPT, PSC, partial shading, I-V curve, solar capacitance, solar cell model

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Cited by

Bartczak, M. (2021). ON THE CAPACITY OF SOLAR CELLS UNDER PARTIAL SHADING CONDITIONS. Informatyka, Automatyka, Pomiary W Gospodarce I Ochronie Środowiska, 11(4), 47–50. https://doi.org/10.35784/iapgos.2816


Mateusz Bartczak 
Wroclaw University of Technology, Chair of Electronic and Photonic Metrology Poland


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