Ibrahim M. Aladwan
Al-Balqa Applied University, Department of Mechatronics Engineering (Jordan)

Hasan Abdelrazzaq AL Dabbas

Philadelphia University, Department of Mechanical Engineering (Jordan)

Ayman. M. Maqableh

Luminus Technical University College, Electomechanical Engineering Department (Jordan)

Sayel M. Fayyad

Al-Balqa Applied University, Department of Mechanical Engineering (Jordan)

Oleksandr Miroshnyk

State Biotechnological University, Department of Electricity Supply and Energy Management (Ukraine)

Taras Shchur

Cyclone Manufacturing Inc, Mississauga (Canada)

Vadym Ptashnyk

Lviv National Environmental University, Department of Information Systems and Technologies (Ukraine)


The design of machines with permanent magnets is actively developing day by day and is often used in wind energy. The main advantages of such variable speed drives are high efficiency, high power density and torque density. When designing a wind generator with two rotors and permanent magnets, it is necessary to solve such a problem as the correct choice of the number of poles and slots to increase efficiency and minimize the cost of the machine. In this work, an improved spotted hyena optimization algorithm is used to obtain the optimal combination of slots and poles. This optimization algorithm makes it possible to obtain the number of fractional slots per pole and evaluate the operating efficiency of a wind generator with a double rotor and ferrite magnets. At the first stage of machine design, various combinations of slots are installed. Next, the optimal combination is selected from various slot-pole combinations, taking into account the Enhanced Spotted Hyena Optimization (ESHO) algorithm, in which a multi-objective function is configured. Accordingly, the multi-objectives are the integration of reverse electromotive force, output torque, gear torque, flux linkage, torque ripple along with losses. Analysis of the results obtained shows that the proposed algorithm for determining the optimal slot combination is more efficient than other slot combinations. It has also been found that the choice of slot and pole combination is critical to the efficient operation of permanent magnet machines.


wind turbine generation, optimal slot, pole, ESHO algorithm

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Cited by

Aladwan, I. M., Abdelrazzaq AL Dabbas, H., Maqableh, A. M., Fayyad, S. M., Miroshnyk, O., Shchur, T., & Ptashnyk, V. (2023). RESEARCH THE EFFECT OF THE FRACTIONAL NUMBER SLOTS OF POLE ON WIND TURBINE GENERATION USING THE ENHANCED SPOTTED HYENA OPTIMIZATION ALGORITHM. Informatyka, Automatyka, Pomiary W Gospodarce I Ochronie Środowiska, 13(3), 94–100.


Ibrahim M. Aladwan
Al-Balqa Applied University, Department of Mechatronics Engineering Jordan


Hasan Abdelrazzaq AL Dabbas 

Philadelphia University, Department of Mechanical Engineering Jordan


Ayman. M. Maqableh 

Luminus Technical University College, Electomechanical Engineering Department Jordan


Sayel M. Fayyad 

Al-Balqa Applied University, Department of Mechanical Engineering Jordan


Oleksandr Miroshnyk 

State Biotechnological University, Department of Electricity Supply and Energy Management Ukraine


Taras Shchur 

Cyclone Manufacturing Inc, Mississauga Canada


Vadym Ptashnyk 

Lviv National Environmental University, Department of Information Systems and Technologies Ukraine


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