Volodymyr Barannik

Ivan Kozhedub Kharkiv National University of Air Force, Faculty of Automated control systems and aviation ground support (Ukraine)

Oleg Shatun

Ivan Kozhedub Kharkiv National University of Air Force, Faculty of Automated control systems and aviation ground support (Ukraine)

Dmitriy Barannik

Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics, Department of information and network engineering (Ukraine)

Veronika Kobtseva

Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics, Department of information and network engineering (Ukraine)


The article discusses issues related to the use of methods of digital steganography for information security in systems of critical appointment. The advantages of using data embedding in an image container are shown. The main disadvantages of the existing methods of embedding in the image container are given. The issues of JPEG image compression for digital steganography are described. The allocation of stable regions in the attacking effects on the basis of the moving mask is proposed. The mathematical apparatus for masking images by the Sobel method is shown. The indirect steganography method of hiding data in blocks which contain information about the circuit is developed.


image-container, image contour, discrete cosine transformation, indirect method

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Cited by

Barannik, V., Shatun, O., Barannik, D., & Kobtseva, V. (2018). DEVELOPMENT OF THE METHOD OF INDIRECT STEGANOGRAPHIC DATA HIDING IN THE CONTAINER IMAGE CONTOUR. Informatyka, Automatyka, Pomiary W Gospodarce I Ochronie Środowiska, 8(4), 20–23.


Volodymyr Barannik 
Ivan Kozhedub Kharkiv National University of Air Force, Faculty of Automated control systems and aviation ground support Ukraine


Oleg Shatun 

Ivan Kozhedub Kharkiv National University of Air Force, Faculty of Automated control systems and aviation ground support Ukraine


Dmitriy Barannik 

Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics, Department of information and network engineering Ukraine


Veronika Kobtseva 

Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics, Department of information and network engineering Ukraine


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