Volodymyr Korchynskyi
Odessa National Academy of Telecommunication named after O.S. Popov, Institute of Radio, Television and Information Security, Department of Information Security (Ukraine)

Vitalii Kildishev

Odessa National Academy of Telecommunication named after O.S. Popov, Institute of Radio, Television and Information Security, Department of Information Security (Ukraine)

Oleksandr Riabukha

Odessa National Academy of Telecommunication named after O.S. Popov, Institute of Radio, Television and Information Security, Department of Information Security (Ukraine)

Oleksandr Berdnikov

Odessa National Academy of Telecommunication named after O.S. Popov, Institute of Radio, Television and Information Security, Department of Information Security (Ukraine)


Random sequences are used in various applications in construction of cryptographic systems or formations of noise-type signals. For these tasks there is used the program generator of random sequences which is the determined device. Such a generator, as a rule, has special requirements concerning the quality of the numbers formation sequence. In cryptographic systems, the most often used are linearly – congruent generators, the main disadvantage of which is the short period of formation of pseudo-random number sequences. For this reason, in the article there is proposed the use of chaos generators as the period of the formed selection in this case depends on the size of digit net of the used computing system. It is obvious that the quality of the chaos generator has to be estimated through a system of the NIST tests. Therefore, detailed assessment of their statistical characteristics is necessary for practical application of chaos generators in cryptographic systems. In the article there are considered various generators and there is also given the qualitative assessment of the formation based on the binary random sequence. Considered are also the features of testing random number generators using the system. It is determined that not all chaos generators meet the requirements of the NIST tests. The article proposed the methods for improving statistical properties of chaos generators. The method of comparative analysis of random number generators based on NIST statistical tests is proposed, which allows to select generators with the best statistical properties. Proposed are also methods for improving the statistical characteristics of binary sequences, which are formed on the basis of various chaos generators.


dynamic chaos, generator, sequence, encryption

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Cited by

Korchynskyi, V., Kildishev, V., Riabukha, O., & Berdnikov, O. (2020). THE GENERATING RANDOM SEQUENCES WITH THE INCREASED CRYPTOGRAPHIC STRENGTH. Informatyka, Automatyka, Pomiary W Gospodarce I Ochronie Środowiska, 10(1), 20–23.


Volodymyr Korchynskyi
Odessa National Academy of Telecommunication named after O.S. Popov, Institute of Radio, Television and Information Security, Department of Information Security Ukraine


Vitalii Kildishev 

Odessa National Academy of Telecommunication named after O.S. Popov, Institute of Radio, Television and Information Security, Department of Information Security Ukraine


Oleksandr Riabukha 

Odessa National Academy of Telecommunication named after O.S. Popov, Institute of Radio, Television and Information Security, Department of Information Security Ukraine


Oleksandr Berdnikov 

Odessa National Academy of Telecommunication named after O.S. Popov, Institute of Radio, Television and Information Security, Department of Information Security Ukraine


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