Tomasz Rymarczyk
1Research and Development Center, Netrix S.A., Lublin, 2University of Economics and Innovation in Lublin (Poland)

Tomasz Cieplak

Lublin University of Technology, Faculty of Management, Department of Organization of Enterprise (Poland)

Grzegorz Kłosowski

Lublin University of Technology, Faculty of Management, Department of Organization of Enterprise (Poland)

Paweł Rymarczyk

Research and Development Center, Netrix S.A., Lublin (Poland)


The paper deals with the design of data analysis systems for business process automation. The main goal of the project is to develop an innovative system for analyzing multisource data, business data mining processes, and as a result the creation and sharing of new improved procedures and solutions.


Smart system, Multi-source Data, Agent Based Modelling

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Cited by

Rymarczyk, T., Cieplak, T., Kłosowski, G., & Rymarczyk, P. (2018). DESIGN OF DATA ANALYSIS SYSTEMS FOR BUSINESS PROCESS AUTOMATION. Informatyka, Automatyka, Pomiary W Gospodarce I Ochronie Środowiska, 8(3), 43–46.


Tomasz Rymarczyk
1Research and Development Center, Netrix S.A., Lublin, 2University of Economics and Innovation in Lublin Poland


Tomasz Cieplak 

Lublin University of Technology, Faculty of Management, Department of Organization of Enterprise Poland


Grzegorz Kłosowski 

Lublin University of Technology, Faculty of Management, Department of Organization of Enterprise Poland


Paweł Rymarczyk 

Research and Development Center, Netrix S.A., Lublin Poland


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