Żaklin Grądz
z.gradz@pollub.plLublin University of Technology, Institute of Electronics and Information Technology (Poland)
The main aim of the diagnostics of combustion process is ensuring its stability and efficiency. The most important aspect related to the monitoring of the combustion process is a non-invasive acquisition of information from flame and subsequently subjecting it for further processing. Such method of research allows to evaluate the course of the process and determine the characteristic conditions under which the combustion process is stable or not. The article presents the application of short-time Fourier transform for the analysis of flame pulsation signals. The aim of the research was to find an area especially sensitive to the change of combustion process conditions.
combustion process, short-time Fourier transform, flame pulsationReferences
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Żaklin Grą
Lublin University of Technology, Institute of Electronics and Information Technology Poland
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