Jacek Łukasz Wilk-Jakubowski
Kielce University of Technology, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Automatic Control and Computer Science, Department of Information Systems, Division of Computer Science (Poland)


This article presents the influence of selected parameters on the reception of radio waves to optimize communication systems. That goal is achieved by selection of technical parameters of system, eg. antenna efficiency. The result is to minimize the negative effects of free space propagation and induction of climate and Earth's atmosphere in order to increase the G/T figure. In practice, changes in the climatic and atmospheric conditions are significant factors affecting the quality of satellite signal. These results can be used by satellite systems engineers to calculate the link budget analyses of current and future systems through scientifically solid evaluation and assessment. So, these estimates may be useful to improve the design and performance of telematic networks, or to minimize the interruption or lack of communication between the terminal and the satellite in Ku band.


technical parameters, computational modeling, signal attenuation, radio waves propagation

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Cited by

Wilk-Jakubowski, J. Łukasz. (2018). THE INFLUENCE OF SELECTED TECHNICAL PARAMETERS ON THE RECEPTION OF RADIO WAVES. Informatyka, Automatyka, Pomiary W Gospodarce I Ochronie Środowiska, 8(3), 65–68.


Jacek Łukasz Wilk-Jakubowski
Kielce University of Technology, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Automatic Control and Computer Science, Department of Information Systems, Division of Computer Science Poland


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