Marian Pasko
Silesian University of Technology (Poland)

Marek Szymczak

Silesian University of Technology (Poland)


The main goal of this paper is an analysis and evaluation of the basic structures of active EMI filters. In the introduction, limitations of passive filters are described and reasons for using active solutions are presented. The first chapter discusses the passive filters and methods of propagation of common-mode (CM) and differential-mode (DM) noise. Then, active systems are presented, together with an analytical discussion of their properties such as insertion loss (IL) and the impedance increase (ΔZn). This section also discusses the various types of filters, according to differences in the way they detect and compensate EMI noise. Each of the described structure was analyzed and it’s functionality has been presented.


active filters, conducted EMI, electromagnetic compatibility, EMI filters

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Cited by

Pasko, M., & Szymczak, M. (2014). ANALYSIS AND EVALUATION OF THE BASIC STRUCTURES OF ACTIVE EMI FILTERS. Informatyka, Automatyka, Pomiary W Gospodarce I Ochronie Środowiska, 4(4), 77–80.


Marian Pasko
Silesian University of Technology Poland


Marek Szymczak 

Silesian University of Technology Poland


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