Vitaly Pochernyaev

National Academy of Security Service of Ukraine (Ukraine)

Nataliia Syvkova

State University of Intellectual Technologies and Communications (Ukraine)

Mariia Mahomedova

National Academy of Security Service of Ukraine (Ukraine)


In this article, a polarization selector, which based on waveguides partially filled by dielectric has been developed and investigated. An analysis of the designs of polarization selectors on empty waveguides was carried out. The developed design of the polarization selector is based on square waveguides partially filled by dielectric in the form of an E-tee. The main and side waveguides of the E-tee include metal gratings with mutually perpendicular conductors. The dielectric plates have a square cross-section and extend between the second and third conductors of metal grids, which located in the main and side waveguides. The article presents the normalized conductivity for such an E-tee, through which the standing wave coefficient is determined. The normalized conductivity of the E-tee consists of the reactive conductivity of the joint of the side square waveguide partially filled by dielectric, the reactive conductivity of the joint of the main square waveguide partially filled by dielectric, reactive conductivity of grids in side and main waveguide partially filled by dielectric. These conductivities are determined through the corresponding transformation coefficients, which are combinations of selected coordinate functions and the electrical transverse and magnetic transverse eigenvector functions of a waveguide partially filled by dielectric. The transverse electric and transverse magnetic eigenvector functions of a waveguide partially filled by dielectric are expressed through the Mathieu functions and their derivatives. Numerical results were obtained for the reactive conductivities of gratings from the ratio of the thickness of the grating rod to the size of the wall of a square waveguide for different normalized wavelengths. The results were obtained both for a grid with equal distances between the rods and for unequal spaced rods.


polarization selector, waveguide partially filled by dielectric, standing wave coefficient, coordinate function, transverse electric eigenvector function, transverse magnetic eigenvector function

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Cited by

Pochernyaev, V., Syvkova, N., & Mahomedova, M. (2024). POLARIZATION SELECTOR ON WAVEGUIDES PARTIALLY FILLED BY DIELECTRIC. Informatyka, Automatyka, Pomiary W Gospodarce I Ochronie Środowiska, 14(4), 28–31. https://doi.org/10.35784/iapgos.6340


Vitaly Pochernyaev 

National Academy of Security Service of Ukraine Ukraine


Nataliia Syvkova 
State University of Intellectual Technologies and Communications Ukraine


Mariia Mahomedova 

National Academy of Security Service of Ukraine Ukraine


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