Yelyzaveta Mykhailova

The National University of Water and Environmental Engineering (Ukraine)

Nataliia Savina

The National University of Water and Environmental Engineering (Ukraine)

Volodymyr Lytvynenko

Kherson National Technical University (Ukraine)

Stanislav Mykhailov

The National University of Water and Environmental Engineering (Ukraine)


In contemporary economic landscapes, effective managerial decision-making requires serious justifications often facilitated by information technologies. The article proposes the application of the foundational principles from information theory and entropy to determine the correlation between education and economic development. This research employs entropy methodology to explore the correlations and implications of these multifaceted domains, drawing insights from a range of global indices. By analyzing data from indices such as the Human Development Index, we investigate the relationship between average years of education and entropy values, shedding light on the diversity and standardization of human capital systems across nations. Moreover, economic indexes, encapsulating factors such as economic freedom and innovation, provide critical insights into the vibrancy and resilience of national economies. Through the lens of the Global Innovation Index, we explore how countries with higher levels of economic freedom and innovation efficiency exhibit less diversity in economic approaches and innovation strategies, leading to a reduction in entropy values. By examining entropy values in conjunction with innovation indicators, such as research and development expenditure and patent applications, we uncover patterns and trends indicative of the diversity or standardization of innovation strategies across countries. Additionally, cybersecurity emerges as a critical dimension of national security and resilience, with implications for economic well-being and societal trust. Through the National Cybersecurity Index, we assess the level of diversity and uncertainty in cybersecurity landscapes, highlighting the importance of robust cybersecurity measures in safeguarding against emerging threats and reducing entropy values. Ultimately, this research contributes to the discourse on sustainable development and resilience in an interconnected world. By identifying specific challenges and opportunities within education, economy, innovation, and cybersecurity domains, it facilitates informed decision-making and strategic interventions to promote inclusive growth and societal well-being on a global scale.


: entropybased correlation, education development, economic indexes, innovation dynamics

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Cited by

Mykhailova, Y., Savina, N., Lytvynenko, V., & Mykhailov, S. (2024). ENTROPY BASED EVALUATION OF THE IMPACT OF EDUCATION ON ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT. Informatyka, Automatyka, Pomiary W Gospodarce I Ochronie Środowiska, 14(3), 118–122. https://doi.org/10.35784/iapgos.6358


Yelyzaveta Mykhailova 
The National University of Water and Environmental Engineering Ukraine

Student for the degree of Doctor of Economic Sciences at the National University of Water and Environmental Engineering. She went to the Kyiv National Taras Shevchenko University, where studied modern Turkish and English languages and literatures. After finishing her education, she worked in the Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv at The Department of Turkish Studies. In 2013 she defended her PhD thesis "Functional and Grammatical Features of the modern Turkish Adjective". From 2022, she started her education for Doctoral Degree

Science Interests: Crisis Management for educational sector, Education and Economic Systems, and Human Capital


Nataliia Savina 

The National University of Water and Environmental Engineering Ukraine

Vice-rector for Research and International Affairss conduct scientific, technical and innovative activities of the university, including the implementation of research results at the National University of Water and Environmental Engineering. Promotes the development of scientific relations with other universities, scientific institutions, centers and other enterprises, institutions and organizations. Organizes scientific relations with International centers, funds, programs, other foreign institutions. She has awards from the university, city and regional authorities, the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, departmental awards.

Science Interests: Opinion and Forecasting of Investment Efficiency in Logistics Projects, Logistic and Economic Systems, and Human Capital


Volodymyr Lytvynenko 

Kherson National Technical University Ukraine

Head of the Department of Informatics and Computer Sciences at the Kherson National Technical University.

Science Interests: Modeling of complex systems in economics, biology, medicine, machine learning methods, neural networks, Bayesian networks, evolutionary algorithms


Stanislav Mykhailov 

The National University of Water and Environmental Engineering Ukraine

Student for  PhD degree in Economics. Scienceswas born in Rivne, Ukraine and went to the Kyiv National Taras Shevchenko University, where he studied Korean language for bachelor degree and public administration for master degree. From 2021 he started his education for PhD degree, analysing the impact of gambling regulation on a national economy

Science Interests: Crisis Management, Gambling sector, Gambling and Economic Systems


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