Efficiency of databases in Django-based applications

Bartosz Nejman

Lublin University of technology (Poland)

Beata Pańczyk

Lublin University of Technology (Poland)


Development of web applications consists of many processes. One of them is choosing appropriate database management system which may have huge impact on application performance. Large availability of database management systems makes it not an easy choice. The goal of this paper is to compare efficiency of databases in Django-based applications and three different database management systems:
MySQL, PostgreSQL and MongoDB.

Supporting Agencies

Django; MongoDB; MySQL; PostgreSQL

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Cited by

Nejman, B., & Pańczyk, B. (2019). Efficiency of databases in Django-based applications . Journal of Computer Sciences Institute, 11, 82–85. https://doi.org/10.35784/jcsi.142


Bartosz Nejman 
Lublin University of technology Poland


Beata Pańczyk 

Lublin University of Technology Poland


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