Impact of the cloud application programming language on the performance of its implementation in selected serverless environments
Krzysztof Bezrąk University of Technology (Poland)
Sławomir Przyłucki
Lublin University of Technology (Poland)
Recent years of cloud technology development have brought a sharp increase in interest in solutions known as serverless systems. Their performance, and thus usefulness in potential applications, strongly depends on the method of program implementation of specific tasks. The article analyzes the impact of selected, currently the most popular, programming languages on the performance of the serverless test infrastructure running in an environment managed by the Kubernetes system. The collected data were used to formulate conclusions regarding the suitability of individual languages in the conditions of varying serverless system loads.
Kubernetes; serverless; KubelessReferences
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Bezrąk, K., & Przyłucki, S. (2020). Impact of the cloud application programming language on the performance of its implementation in selected serverless environments. Journal of Computer Sciences Institute, 14, 31–36.
Sławomir PrzyłuckiLublin University of Technology Poland
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