Possibility analysis of applying serious game to learn the first aid procedures
Klaudia Zaborek
zaborekklaudia@gmail.comLublin University of Technology (Poland)
Małgorzata Plechawska-Wójcik
Lublin University of Technology (Poland)
The purpose of this work is to analyze the possibility of using serious games to learn the first aid procedures. This will be done based on research results. The scope of the work includes designing and implementing the game as well as research and analysis of results. The subject of research is to check whether the use of a serious game allows players to acquire and consolidate knowledge in the field of first aid.
serious game; Unity; first aidReferences
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[11] Borys Plechawska-Wójcik, M., & Plechawska-Wójcik, M. (2013). Badanie użyteczności oraz dostępności interfejsu w aplikacjach mobilnych. Nierówności społeczne a wzrost gospodarczy, (35), 63-78.
Zaborek, K., & Plechawska-Wójcik, M. (2020). Possibility analysis of applying serious game to learn the first aid procedures. Journal of Computer Sciences Institute, 14, 65–72. https://doi.org/10.35784/jcsi.1578
Małgorzata Plechawska-WójcikLublin University of Technology Poland
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