The "Quizer" e-learning platform as a tool for creating interactive quizzes with multiplayer functionality

Krzysztof Dziedzic
Lublin University of Technology (Poland)

Marek Gudków

Euro-Forum, ul. Graniczna 4/7, 820-010 Lublin, Poland (Poland)

Tomasz Wiśniewski

Charger, ul. Kopernika 20/17, 21-040 Świdnik, Poland (Poland)


Modern IT and teaching solutions are increasingly used in the distance learning process. The introduction of game elements in the e-learning allows to increase the interest and motivation of the user when performing tasks. The "Quizer" e-learning platform has been designed to create interactive multimedia courses with elements of gameplay, including the multiplayer format. The paper discusses the technologies and tools used to build the platform. An example of a game designed in a multiplayer format is presented.


e-learning; e-learning platform; quiz wizard; game

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Cited by

Dziedzic, K., Gudków, M., & Wiśniewski, T. (2020). The "Quizer" e-learning platform as a tool for creating interactive quizzes with multiplayer functionality. Journal of Computer Sciences Institute, 15, 196–201.


Krzysztof Dziedzic
Lublin University of Technology Poland


Marek Gudków 

Euro-Forum, ul. Graniczna 4/7, 820-010 Lublin, Poland Poland


Tomasz Wiśniewski 

Charger, ul. Kopernika 20/17, 21-040 Świdnik, Poland Poland


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