Analysis of the possibilities of cooperation of mobile applications with network services of the type REST and Web Service

Mateusz Daraż

Lublin University of technology (Poland)

Piotr Kopniak
Lublin University of technology (Poland)


The article presents the results of a review of libraries for the Android platform, supporting the integration with REST and SOAP network services. An analysis of the performance and complexity of client programs using the most popular solutions. The research methods were based on the author's mobile application that enable the simulation of asynchronous communication. The result of the research is a comparative analysis of libraries, that facilitate the selection of adequate solutions.


mobile applications; Android; SOAP; REST

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Cited by

Daraż, M., & Kopniak, P. (2019). Analysis of the possibilities of cooperation of mobile applications with network services of the type REST and Web Service . Journal of Computer Sciences Institute, 11, 155–162.


Mateusz Daraż 

Lublin University of technology Poland


Piotr Kopniak
Lublin University of technology Poland


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