Comparison of the effectiveness of selected face recognition algorithms for poor quality photos
Jakub Gozdur University of Technology (Poland)
Bartosz Wiśniewski
Lublin University of Technology (Poland)
Piotr Kopniak
Lublin University of Technology (Poland)
The goal of the article is to determine the effectiveness of popular face recognition algorithms for poor quality photos. Basic facial recognition algorithms such as LBPH, Eigenfaces and Fisherfaces were described during the work. A research platform equipped with software allowing to test data and collect results was created. The results of the research showed that the only algorithm suitable for such solutions is LBPH. The others, however, did not achieve a sufficiently high effectiveness factor.
recognition; face; LBPHReferences
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Gozdur, J., Wiśniewski, B., & Kopniak, P. (2019). Comparison of the effectiveness of selected face recognition algorithms for poor quality photos . Journal of Computer Sciences Institute, 10, 67–70.
Bartosz WiśniewskiLublin University of Technology Poland
Piotr KopniakLublin University of Technology Poland
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