Comparison of the performance of relational databases PostgreSQL and MySQL for desktop application

Bartłomiej Klimek

Department of Computer Science (Poland)

Maria Skublewska-Paszkowska
Lublin University of Technology (Poland)


The aim of this thesis was to compare the performance of two relational database management systems PostgreSQL and MySQL. For the purpose of the study a relational database was designed and a piece of software was implemented to connect desktop application with the database system. This software shall also create entities and relations  between  them  in  desired  empty  schemes  on  servers  for  databases.  There  has also been implemented a desktop application in Java programming language, that allows browsing data stored in database and performing the tests of database performance. Tests addressed basic operations of adding, collecting, updating and deleting data. Thisthesis makes a hypothesis "PostgreSQL is more efficient for desktop application while loaded with small data, in that case 1000 of queries", that was confirmed by achieved results from tests performed.


DBMS, relational databases, comparison of performance

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Cited by

Klimek, B., & Skublewska-Paszkowska, M. (2021). Comparison of the performance of relational databases PostgreSQL and MySQL for desktop application. Journal of Computer Sciences Institute, 18, 61–66.


Bartłomiej Klimek 

Department of Computer Science Poland


Maria Skublewska-Paszkowska
Lublin University of Technology Poland


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