Enviromental data visualisation using Delaunay triangulation

Mateusz Nowosad

Department of Computer Science, Lublin University of Technology (Poland)


Graphical data representation is very helpful when analyzing environmental data. It allows for discovering trends in data and analysis of phenomena occurring in the area. There are many possibilities to represent such values graphically. This article contains visualizations generated using Delauney triangulation to represent data on a map. Strengths and weaknesses, comparative analysis with another solution, performance, and usage suggestions will be presented.

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Cited by

Nowosad, M. (2020). Enviromental data visualisation using Delaunay triangulation. Journal of Computer Sciences Institute, 17, 405–411. https://doi.org/10.35784/jcsi.2367


Mateusz Nowosad 
Department of Computer Science, Lublin University of Technology Poland


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