Comparative analysis of solutions used in Automated Testing of Internet Applications
Magdalena Psujek of Computer Science, Lublin University of Technology (Poland)
Aleksandra Radzik
Grzegorz Kozieł
Lublin University of Technology (Poland)
This article is devoted to the comparison of the effectiveness of solutions used in automatic testing of web applications. In order to carry out the analysis, test scenarios were created and tests were carried out using each of the tested programming frameworks (Selenium WebDriver, Cucumber, Ranorex, Robot Framework, Cypress, Unified Functional Testing, TestComplete and Katalon Studio). The study showed that there is no single best tool that meets all the requirements. Taking into account the analyzed aspects of effectiveness, the TestComplete program was the best, however, when choosing a solution, the team's skills and project specification should be taken into account.
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Department of Computer Science, Lublin University of Technology Poland
Aleksandra RadzikPoland
Grzegorz KoziełLublin University of Technology Poland
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