Analysis of modern human-computer interfaces
Michał Cioczek
Tomasz Czarnota
Tomasz Szymczyk
Lublin University of Technology (Poland)
This article describes two research methods that are currently used in the study of graphical interfaces. The examined aspect is human-computer interaction (HCI), which is carried out by means of manipulators, which are input devices, and by means of which the tester performs the tasks set in the research scenario, which are presented using a graphical interface (GUI). The analysis covers the path the cursor follows, its speed and time. The path that the cursor takes is also drawn, and it is divided into stages because there are intermediate elements between the start and end elements. Due to the fact that it is impossible to describe numerically the feelings of the examined person, and these feelings are important for the study, the so-called usability tests, in which, among others, the ergonomics of controllers and the graphic interface itself was examined.
Human Computer Interaction; ergonomics; interface; controllerReferences
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Tomasz CzarnotaPoland
Tomasz SzymczykLublin University of Technology Poland
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