Human-social interaction robots to improve shared attention in children with autism
Ali Ashrafi
ali.ashrafi.sarvak11@gmail.comEnglish Department, Islamic Azad University, Shahr-e-Qods Branch, Tehran, Iran (Iran, Islamic Republic of)
The purpose of the current research is utilization of robots specifically human robots which has filled dramatically in numerous territories, including treatment. In this investigation, a humanoid robot was utilized to improve open consideration in kids with autism. One of the difficulties of this methodology is that infection makes unique conditions for the patient that the presence of the advisor and some other unfamiliar item isn't effortlessly acknowledged. The second challenge is to choose suitable calculations and strategies for following the head and understudy of the eye in youngsters with mental imbalance. One of the attributes of which is compulsory and uncontrolled developments of the head and eyes to the sides. The third issue is the treatment and exploration techniques. The treatment cycle and the planned tests ought not to reason exorbitant incitement in the youngster. In order to beat the referenced difficulties, notwithstanding the high-obstruction ongoing student following calculation, without the utilization of business equipment. Fluffy choice tree has been utilized to join clinical and designing data during treatment, lastly the idea of intuitive treatment for the improvement of medically introverted youngsters has been presented.
Social Assistant Robots, Autism, Pupil Detection, Human-Robot Interaction, Fuzzy Decision MakingReferences
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English Department, Islamic Azad University, Shahr-e-Qods Branch, Tehran, Iran Iran, Islamic Republic of
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