Model of the text classification system using fuzzy sets

Dmytro Salahor
Politechnika Lubelska (Poland)

Jakub Smołka

Politechnika Lubelska (Poland)


Classification of work’s subject area by keywords is an actual and important task. This article describes algorithms for classifying keywords by subject area. A model was developed using both algorithms and tested on test data. The results were compared with the results of other existing algorithms suitable for this tasks. The obtained results of the model were analysed. This algorithm can be used in real-life tasks.


text classification; “fuzzy” sets, classification, fuzzy rules, fuzzy logic

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Cited by

Salahor, D., & Smołka, J. (2021). Model of the text classification system using fuzzy sets. Journal of Computer Sciences Institute, 19, 144–150.


Dmytro Salahor
Politechnika Lubelska Poland


Jakub Smołka 

Politechnika Lubelska Poland


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