Comparative analysis of interface sketch design tools in the context of User Experience

Edyta Kowalczyk
Politechnika Lubelska (Poland)

Agnieszka Glinka


Tomasz Szymczyk



The design stage plays a significant role in software development. Making skeleton models helps to understand the specification and requirements of the product. Design tools, as well as any other tools, should focus on User Experience. The aim of the publication is to compare tools for sketching interfaces taking into account User Experience. The main criterion for the evaluation of the tools was a test consisting in measuring the time and distance of a computer mouse during the execution of a given application sketch in 8 selected tools. Then, the respondents assessed the possibilities and experiences resulting from working in a given tool. This was supplemented by the assessment of the technical criteria. Ultimately, the best and the worst tools were selected according to the research subgroups. The level of education has been proven to influence the evaluation of interface sketch design tools.


sketches of interfaces, design tools, designing, User Experience

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Cited by

Kowalczyk, E., Glinka, A., & Szymczyk, T. (2022). Comparative analysis of interface sketch design tools in the context of User Experience. Journal of Computer Sciences Institute, 22, 51–58.


Edyta Kowalczyk
Politechnika Lubelska Poland


Agnieszka Glinka 



Tomasz Szymczyk 



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