Comparison of the offer of selected cloud service providers from the point of view of implementing IT projects based on open code
Porównanie ofert wybranych dostawców usług chmurowych z punktu wi-dzenia realizacji projektów informatycznych opartych o otwarty kod
The article presents a comparison of the offers of selected cloud computing providers in terms of their use in the process of developing and implementing IT services based on the idea of open source code. The conducted research concerns services provided according to the IaaS model in the form of a virtual machine lease and services provided according to the PaaS model in the form of database services. The presented analysis is both qualitative (subjective assessment) and quantitative, which consists in a series of measurements of the parameters of virtual instances. Based on this analysis, the best public cloud service provider for users starting to use cloud computing resources was selected.
Keywords: cloud computing; IaaS service model; PaaS service model
PaaS service model, IaaS service model, cloud computing, AWS, GCP, AZUREReferences
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Sławomir PrzyłuckiPoland
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