Performance analysis of Laravel and Yii2 frameworks based on the MVC architectural pattern and PHP language

Konrad Sławomir Węgrzecki

Lublin University of Technology (Poland)

Mariusz Dzieńkowski
Lublin University of Technology (Poland)


The subject of this paper is the performance analysis of two PHP programming frameworks in the latest versions - Laravel 9.6 and Yii 2.0.45. It was carried out with the help of test applications prepared for this purpose, which have identical functionalities: they generate all prime numbers from a given range and create a book ranking system based on CRUD operations. The request handling time of each application was used as a comparison criterion. To check the performance, dedicated debugbars - bottom bars displaying information about the executed request - were used. The results obtained after the tests showed that in terms of performance, Laravel is a better technology than Yii for building web applications.


Laravel, Yii2, programming frameworks, performance comparative analysis

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Cited by

Węgrzecki, K. S., & Dzieńkowski, M. (2022). Performance analysis of Laravel and Yii2 frameworks based on the MVC architectural pattern and PHP language. Journal of Computer Sciences Institute, 24, 265–272.


Konrad Sławomir Węgrzecki 

Lublin University of Technology Poland


Mariusz Dzieńkowski
Lublin University of Technology Poland


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