A comparative analysis of performance of Flutter and Xamarin development frameworks

Mateusz Uciński

Lublin University of Technology (Poland)

Mariusz Dzieńkowski

Lublin University of Technology


This article presents a comparative performance analysis of two cross-platform development frameworks Flutter and Xamarin. Using these technologies identical test applications running on Windows and Android were created. Each of these applications included functionalities to run test scenarios. They concerned calculating the 30th word of the Fibonacci sequence, sorting with the MergeSort algorithm lists consisting of five thousand and ten thousand elements, performing basic database operations on the database, such as record, reading, searching, modifying and deleting data. The scenarios were repeated ten thousand times, and the average execution times of the operations were analyzed. The results did not conclusively show which framework is more efficient. However, in general, it can be concluded that for applications running on Android and Windows that perform a lot of calculations or save large amounts of data or search and at the same time modify data, the Flutter framework will be a better solution.


Flutter, Xamarin, cross-platform development frameworks

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Cited by

Uciński, M., & Dzieńkowski, M. (2022). A comparative analysis of performance of Flutter and Xamarin development frameworks. Journal of Computer Sciences Institute, 25, 366–370. https://doi.org/10.35784/jcsi.3025


Mateusz Uciński 

Lublin University of Technology Poland


Mariusz Dzieńkowski 
Lublin University of Technology


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