User experience analysis while visiting selected virtual museums

Iwona Poleszak


Mariusz Dzieńkowski
Lublin University of Technology


The paper concerns the study of User Experience by focusing on the usability and user satisfaction aspects. The purpose of this paper was to evaluate the usability of two selected virtual museums conducted with 3 research methods: using an oculograph, a System Usability Scale (SUS) usability survey and Nielsen heuristic. The examination was conducted on the following museums that offer virtual tours: Muzeum Instrumentów Muzycznych in Poznan and Muzeum Zamojskie in Zamosc. The participants of the eye tracking experiment and the SUS survey were 22 students of Computer Science at the Politechnika Lubelska, while the Nielsen heuristics analysis was performed by 3 graduate students with relevant qualifications. The obtained eye tracking data, the results of the SUS questionnaires and the evaluation of the Nielsen heuristics were analyzed quantitatively. In addition, a qualitative analysis of eye tracking results was conducted, which provided heat maps and scanning paths. As a result, it was revealed that in the oculography method, the analyzed websites obtained comparable results. However, in the test performed with the SUS usability survey Muzeum Instrumentów Muzycznych achieved a better result. The expert team reviewing Nielsen heuristics also ranked the museum higher.


user experience, usability, eye tracking, virtual museum

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Cited by

Poleszak, I., & Dzieńkowski, M. (2022). User experience analysis while visiting selected virtual museums. Journal of Computer Sciences Institute, 25, 384–392.


Iwona Poleszak 



Mariusz Dzieńkowski
Lublin University of Technology


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