Analysis of selected features of application based on monolithic and microservice architecture

Kamil Jaskot
Lublin University of Technology (Poland)

Sławomir Przyłucki

Lublin University of Technology (Poland)


The article describes the performance of applications built in monolithic and microservice architectures. The base of research includes application supporting prescription management developed with the use of Spring Framework technology and implemented in the Docker Swarm test environment. The tested applications were subjected to various loads in the form of sending HTTP requests that simulated user behaviour. The research has proven that an application created based on microservices architecture offers better traffic handling in case of high load. Scaling a microservice application allows for greater gains in performance measured as quantity served client requests per unit of time than scaling a monolithic application under the same conditions scaling.


microservices, monolith-software architecture, scaling services, spring framework

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Cited by

Jaskot, K., & Przyłucki, S. (2022). Analysis of selected features of application based on monolithic and microservice architecture. Journal of Computer Sciences Institute, 25, 393–400.


Kamil Jaskot
Lublin University of Technology Poland


Sławomir Przyłucki 

Lublin University of Technology Poland


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