A comparative analysis of non-relational databases in e-commerce applications

Kacper Saweczko

Lublin University of Technology (Poland)

Grzegorz Rożek

Lublin University of Technology (Poland)

Małgorzata Plechawska-Wójcik



In this article, a comparative analysis of non-relational databases was conducted to determine the best database for e-commerce systems. Non-relational systems such as MongoDB and Apache Cassandra were used for the study and the results were compared with a relational PostgreSQL database. The main research criterion was performance testing of several types of queries based on execution time. To implement the research, typical e-commerce databases were created and then tested in a .NET test application created by authors. In addition, the difference in community support between non-relational and relational systems was determined. The research showed that MongoDB is best suited for e-commerce systems.


non-relational database, MongoDB, Cassandra, e-commerce

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Cited by

Saweczko, K., Rożek, G., & Plechawska-Wójcik, M. (2023). A comparative analysis of non-relational databases in e-commerce applications. Journal of Computer Sciences Institute, 28, 273–278. https://doi.org/10.35784/jcsi.3746


Kacper Saweczko 
Lublin University of Technology Poland


Grzegorz Rożek 

Lublin University of Technology Poland


Małgorzata Plechawska-Wójcik 



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