Analysis of how universal design principles impact on the perception of virtual museum interfaces

Dawid Nicpoń

Weronika Wach


Maria Skublewska-Paszkowska



The research presented in this paper aims to analysis of the impact of using universal design in implementation of virtual museum interfaces to user perception. Experiment uses collaboration with Museum of the History of the City of Lublin to create the web application which presents virtual exhibits. The application was based on the React JavaScript framework, which enabled the creation of a basic web interface and the React 360 to generate the three-dimensional view. During research, implemented application was compared with the website, which does not conform the universal design principles. The main research method consisted of Eye-tracking technology and LUT survey. The analysis of the results shows that interface which follow principles of universal design was easier to navigate. The time of searching specifical elements on that interface was shorter than in other application, as well.


universal design, user interfaces, virtual museum

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Cited by

Nicpoń, D., Wach, W., & Skublewska-Paszkowska, M. (2023). Analysis of how universal design principles impact on the perception of virtual museum interfaces. Journal of Computer Sciences Institute, 28, 279–284.


Dawid Nicpoń


Weronika Wach 



Maria Skublewska-Paszkowska 



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