Comparison of tools for creating and conducting automated tests

Grzegorz Wojciech Bielesza
Lublin University of Technology (Poland)

Mariusz Dzieńkowski

Lublin University of Technology


The presented work includes a comparison of three tools for preparing and conducting automated tests - JUnit5, TestNG and Spock. The study, on the basis of which the comparative analysis was carried out, consisted in performing three types of experiments, i.e. performance tests based on five test scenarios, functional tests checking the capabilities of each tool, and tests of popularity and support in the modern context. The performance experiment consisted in configuring the test environment, preparing tests based on scenarios, performing them multiple times, and then verifying and analysing the obtained time results. The comparison of tools capabilities was based on the preparation of a set of key functionalities of the software used to develop tests. The last analysis consisted in comparing the popularity of the surveyed platforms, and was performed on the basis of three popular websites providing information on user activity within the test tool.


automated testing, JUnit5, TestNG, Spock

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Cited by

Bielesza, G. W., & Dzieńkowski, M. (2023). Comparison of tools for creating and conducting automated tests. Journal of Computer Sciences Institute, 29, 374–382.


Grzegorz Wojciech Bielesza
Lublin University of Technology Poland


Mariusz Dzieńkowski 

Lublin University of Technology


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