Storage efficiency comparison of UML models in selected database technologies

Andrii Filatov

Lublin University of Technology (Ukraine)

Paweł Flis
Lublin University of Technology (Poland)

Beata Pańczyk

Lublin University of Technology (Poland)


.The study answers the question which database is the best choice for efficient data storage of UML models. Three products were considered: MongoDB, PostgreSQL and Neo4J. The effectiveness test consists of measurement the response time of queries that save and load data. This study also take into account the memory increase ratio during data insertion and the level of complexity of the implementation of the test data mappers used in database queries.


UML; MongoDB; Neo4J; PostgreSQL

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Cited by

Filatov, A., Flis, P., & Pańczyk, B. (2019). Storage efficiency comparison of UML models in selected database technologies. Journal of Computer Sciences Institute, 12, 193–198.


Andrii Filatov 

Lublin University of Technology Ukraine


Paweł Flis
Lublin University of Technology Poland


Beata Pańczyk 

Lublin University of Technology Poland


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