Analysis of the application possibilities of IoT technology in smart home systems

Arkadiusz Bęben
Lublin University of Technology (Poland)

Piotr Kopniak

Lublin University of Technology (Poland)


Many home appliances available on the market are equipped with components to receive and generate data and communication modules allow connection to the Internet. As a result, the devices can be combined to smart homes systems. The analysis presents the individual capabilities of devices that can work in such systems. Presented are devices available on the market and made a smart home system working in Wi-Fi and Z-Wave networks.


Internet of Things; smart home; smart things

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Cited by

Bęben, A., & Kopniak, P. (2019). Analysis of the application possibilities of IoT technology in smart home systems. Journal of Computer Sciences Institute, 12, 258–266.


Arkadiusz Bęben
Lublin University of Technology Poland


Piotr Kopniak 

Lublin University of Technology Poland


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